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More than 560 children supported!

In 2024/2025, we will support more than 560 children with a range of care. The youngest and/or most vulnerable children are at the Tchukudu Kids Home receiving full-time care. The remaining children live with Welcome Families (foster families), a single parent, or an extended family member.

Our support can include food, shelter, medical care, education and more. All 560+ children receive a free education, either at the Jonathan Holiday School or a local Secondary School.

Our Projects

A Tchukudu Kid in the side yard of the building

Tchukudu Kids Home

The Tchukudu Kids Home provides shelter, food, safety, education, and lots of love, to hundreds of orphaned children in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was established in 2013.

The youngest 30 children live in the Home and the older children live with Welcome (Foster) Families in the surrounding community.

Jonathan Holiday School

At present, we provide education for students from grades 1-12. Our older students (grades 9-12) attend nearby secondary schools. We are currently obtaining government licensing to accommodate all our students under one roof. By next school year we will have Students from grades 1-6 attending classes in the morning, while students from grades 8-12 will attend classes in the afternoon.


Raising Awareness through Art and Storytelling, Funding Change, Empowering The Community of Goma

The Art of Courage is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funding to empower the most vulnerable children in Goma, DRC. We work alongside local teams to provide resources that enable them to create lasting change, including placing at-risk, orphaned children into loving community homes. Our focus is on delivering quality education, meeting basic needs, and fostering a safe, sustainable environment where children and their communities can thrive.